Best Compliment I Have Ever Received

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

The best compliment I have ever received?!

This is going to be a bit hard, because I do get a lot of compliments and and I love giving em out too.

I love seeing the smile that creeps up on people’s face, when I compliment them. Especially, when I sense that you could use a lil boost to your confidence.

People struggle with their confidence a lot, a lil compliment here and there, helps give ‘em a nudge or some sort of boost, make them know that it is okay to be themselves, regardless of what the next person thinks. I do honestly believe we are all winging it here, No one really has a manual to this thing called life.


I digress,

I think I will just break it down to compliments that I like to receive,

I love hearing I am beautiful,

I put a lot of time and effort to my appearance, so hearing I look beautiful at any given time, gives me some sort of validation that I am doing it the right way. Especially, when people say I look a lot younger for my age.

I love hearing I am smart and intelligent,


I love getting compliments on my writing,

I dare say, getting compliments on writing is ultimate boost to my confidence. Always keeps me on cloud 9.

As always,

I hope you enjoyed reading through. 🤍

©Unwana Udo-osoh


How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?

I know it might sound cliche, but I don’t believe in failure. I see everything that happens to me, good or bad, as a learning curve. Be it success or failure. I learn from everything that happens to me.

That is why,

I encourage introspection, coming back to self, being honest with self, as much as you can, at any given opportunity.

I see failure as part of a process in life, you win some and you lose some. I also encourage the habit, of being gentle with self.

Sometimes, we can be too hard on ourselves.

I am also guilty of that, there used to be a time that the mere thought of failure would cripple me, so much so that I was afraid to live in my authentic truth.

I was afraid to start new projects, live my life the way I want.

I had to learn to be gentle with me. I had to learn to be not so hard on me.

I learnt to sit with my emotions, and I realized that everything that happens to me, happens to me for a reason. It is some sort of learning curve, helping me to know better and do better.

Success is relative, and so is fear. We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves.

And if at first you don’t succeed,

Please dust yourself up and try again 🤍

As always,

I hope you enjoyed reading through.

©Unwana Udo-osoh

Three Objects I Can’t Live Without

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

I know it’s a lil vain, but I can’t live without my phone. I am always on my phone. Everyone I know, complains about this. I honestly wish I had an idea how to live without it, but I don’t. I do everything on it. It’s a life saver.

I can’t live without my rosary, I always have to have it on my person. I meditate and Pray with it, which helps keep my anxiety at bay. It’s like a talisman, warding off evil and bringing me luck.

I can’t stand a dry lip to save my life, so my lip balm always has to be with me.

As a matter of fact,

If there are three things you are always going to find in my purse,

It would be,

My phone, My Rosary and Lip balm.

After all, I am just a girl. 😉

As always,

I hope you enjoyed reading through, xx

©Unwana Udo-osoh

An Experience In Life That Made Me Grow The Most.

What experiences in life helped you grow the most?

I know I sound like a broken record when I talk about my dad’s death.

But, that is one significant life experience that made me grow the most.

It is a matter of fact, that I had no choice but to grow up after my dad’s death

His death was so sudden.

In fact, the last conversation I had with my dad was thanking him for sending me, my allowance. He was in such a hurry to end the call because he was on his way for a meeting that he promised to call me back but he never did. Life happened.

For context,

I have been sheltered my whole life. I sort of, lived in a bubble. A happy bubble, So to speak. I didn’t have to worry about anything. I always knew my dad would take care of it.

Losing him was devastating, to say the least. It felt like a rug was pulled out from under me, making me face this harsh reality, life.

I had to grow up, I had no choice but to grow up, if I ever was going to survive losing him.

But grow up, I did. And I am grateful to myself and the universe, I did.

I have grown so much, and I have so many life experiences now, that I maneuvered myself, with my dad’s help and guidance from heaven, Of course.

He is my Angel now.

And, I am so glad, I had the privilege of being his daughter in this lifetime.

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading through. 🤍

©Unwana Udo-osoh


Do you believe in fate/destiny?


I do believe in fate/destiny. And to a large extent, I believe we are the architect of our fate/destiny.

It’s all in our hands,

We have the power to choose between good and evil, right and wrong.

We have the power to choose what we want to happen to us, to choose the love we think we deserve, and also, to determine where our life’s journey takes us.

I don’t believe in coincidences, everything happens for a reason in my playbook, even when we might not understand.

I think it’s lazy to let, ‘life’ happen to you.

I believe,

You should be a willing participant in your life’s journey.

You should actively take steps to make sure that you are living the life you want, being your authentic self and basking in your truth.

I know it’s not the easiest of things these days. But we shouldn’t let our insecurities get the best of us, and rob us of, living in our authentic truth.

I hope,

Each and everyday, you find the strength to choose you above all else.

After all, we are here for a good time, not a long time. 😉

As always, I hope you enjoyed reading through.

© Unwana Udo-osoh

A phase in life

Describe a phase in life that was difficult to say goodbye to.

I don’t think there has ever been a phase in my life that was difficult to say goodbye to.

I love change a lot, even though everyone that I know personally, swears that I haven’t changed a bit, My behavior and appearance alike.


I genuinely thrive in saying goodbye to phases in my life, I almost always look forward to it.

I am always open to new things, new ideas and new experiences,


It is always upwards and better for me, with each phase that I let go off.

But, a phase I think that was difficult to let go off, would be my daddy’s girl phase/era. I was truly a daddy’s girl.

Most times, I wish he was still alive.

That was difficult to let go off , but then I still made it through and I am thriving and I have memories of him to keep me company.

Does that even count as a phase in life?

As always,

I hope you enjoyed reading through, xx

© Unwana Udo-osoh

Being Consistent

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months?

Being consistent,

I struggle so much with being consistent, it’s a huge flaw of mine. I get easily overwhelmed, And just kind of shut down. More like hibernate.

But this year, and in the next six months, I am going to try my hardest to be consistent, in everything I do.

I think that’s the only thing keeping me from reaching my true potential. Being consistent with all my projects.

I tend to start off great, then get overwhelmed, and kind of shut it down

This year, I am showing up.

When I feel like it, or not. Scared, overwhelmed and what not. No more excuses,

I am going to show up and do what needs to be done.

Won’t you wish my luck?! ☺️

©Unwana Udo-osoh

Have Faith

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Breathe, Relax, Have faith.

Everything will work out for your good. 🤍

I would give this advice to any of my selfs tbh, if there is one thing I have learnt in my journey through life so far,

Having faith that everything will work out for your good makes life a lil easier.

It’s not the easiest feat to have faith, especially when the odds are stacked against you. But as I will always say, what other choice do you have?

© Unwana Udo-osoh

Disingenuous People

What bores you?

Disingenuous people,

I can smell their BS, (excuse my French) from a mile away and they always tend to bore me to death with their antics.

I am very observant, and I sense a lot of things especially when you are trying your hardest to conceal it, be it, behavior or patterns. And I believe, there is absolutely no creativity in being disingenuous.

I think another reason why they bore me, is their need to always outsmart the next person. Half the time, a disingenuous person isn’t the smartest person in the room.

I love dealing with honest people, I love knowing where I genuinely stand with people. I don’t like to have to be on my guard.

But these days,

It seems like you always have to be on your guard, one way or another.

Maybe that’s why I get bored when I am dealing with people these days, and just choose to be by myself. 🙃

©Unwana Udo-osoh